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Miami Beach Bar Association

Welcome to the Beach Bar

We are a voluntary bar organization comprised of attorney members and non-attorney associate members who live and work in the exciting and beautiful city of Miami Beach, Florida. 

We engage in community service to give back to the city we love and to promote the rule of law and goodwill for the profession. 

And we host professional and social events such as continuing legal education (CLE) webinars, luncheons, happy hours, and award ceremonies. 

Check out our events calendar -- we'd love to see you at our next event!

Go to JOIN US to become a member or renew today.

Installation of 2025 Officers & Directors

In December 2024, the Beach Bar installed its 2025 officers and directors at a celebration luncheon at Smith & Wollensky in South Beach.

Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner and City Commissioners Tanya Bhatt, Laura Dominguez, and Alex Fernandez were on hand to help the Association fete Deputy Assistant City Attorney Rob Rosenwald as our new President, Jim Rauh as our President-Elect, and all of our Board members.

Thank you to sponsors Allen Norton & Blue, Bercow Radell Fernandez Larkin + Tapanes, The Ferraro Law Firm, the City of Miami Beach, Weiss Serota Helfman Cole + Bierman, Becker & Poliakoff, Judith A. Frankel, Perkins Law Offices, and the Law Offices of Joy B. Spill for enabling us to enjoy a delicious lunch at a beautiful venue!

See more photos at our Photo Gallery.

See who our new officers and directors are at our Leadership Page.

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Regular and associate (business) memberships are $99, and government and young lawyer memberships are $35.  Join or renew at our Membership page and qualify for member rates now through Dec. 31, 2025.



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Miami Beach Bar Association
747 W. 41st Street, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140

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